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公開日:2017年01月18日 カテゴリー:ブランディング用語 タグ:, ,


ジョーンズは、戦術的印象管理の目標や動機が、社会的集団における力学の交渉に向けられているため、その人の力は決して軽視されないと提案した。 LearyとKowalskiのモデルは、人々が他の気持ちに関わっている理由と、なぜ彼らが特定の印象管理行動に取り組むことにしたのかという理由から、識別しています。リアクションとコワルスキーのモデルは、インプレッションマネジメントの他の概念化がそのような差異化をもたらさなかったが、オピニオンマネジメントは知覚モチベーションと意見形成という2つのユニークな手順で構成されていると仮定する。オピニオンの動機づけは、個人が意見に関連した取り組みに参加するかどうかを決める多くの要素の関数であると主張している。



Impression management pertains to the process wherein people try to influence the views or understandings others hold of them. Opinion management, also referred to as self demonstration, is a goal directed action which will help to establish the bounds of what’s considered acceptable behaviour, alternatively, in addition, it helps in defining what conduct will be met with disapproval. In the class room, impression management behaviors allow pupils to make sense of the complicated social stratum and aid to inform their social identities. Writings on impression administration were launched by Goffman. Tactical impression management highlights the power dynamics and goals that define most social interactions.

Jones proposed that the goals or motives in tactical impression management are geared toward negotiating the power dynamics in social associations such that the person’s power is never belittled. Leary and Kowalski’s model is identifying, because it numerous reasons why people are involved with others feelings and why they decide to engage in particular impression management behaviours. Though other conceptualizations of impression management didn’t draw such a differentiation, Leary and Kowalski’s model posits that opinion management is constituted of two unique procedures: perception motivation and opinion building. Opinion motivation, they argue, is just a function of many factors that determine if an individual will participate in opinion related efforts.

The 2nd process, impression construction, is affected by two intrapersonal and 3 interpersonal factors. Therefore, if academics don’t constitute the best part of their self concept, opinion management for their diligence will be low. The determination to impression manage may be affected by not only what the pupils think they’re, but what they want to be and not be, this pertains to the second intrapersonal variable, desired and unde sired identification picture. As stated before, 3 interpersonal variables also contribute to impression development. Impression management theory supplies a helpful platform for knowledge pupils behaviour in class room situations. Studies on impression management usually indicate that academic homework or effort is probably when people perceive their image as consistent with anticipation of being academically competent and that the fruits of projecting such an image are more than its possible consequences. While research has consistently shown that teachers value and reward pupils who show academic effort, peer groups, particularly the Popular crowds, have a tendency to ostracize those individuals whose identification or picture is situated mostly on educational effort.

Therefore, while teachers have legitimate power over the student, popular peers possess referent power, both of that are critical in determining the impression a student projects.