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期間広告 | WEBマーケティング用語

公開日:2017年01月27日 カテゴリー:WEBマーケティング用語 タグ:,

32363933 - sunflower-clock indicative approach of new year

バージニア州のレッド・ウッドランドの経済学の決定的な要素は、AD 900周辺のトウモロコシのデビューであった。この植物が重要な宗教的儀式と結びつく可能性があるという真実は、養子縁組を促進し、ヴァージニアのローカル環境 考古学者と呼ばれる植物遺体を研究している考古学者は、最近、森林減少期の1世紀後の1世紀、ヴァージニア南西部のアーリントン(Arrington)敷地内の放射性炭素年代から1000前後のトウモロコシの直接的証拠があることを発見しました。バージニア州のトウモロコシのほとんどの放射性炭素年代は本当に1200年頃に落ちる




A defining component of the Late Woodland economics in Virginia was the debut of maize, allegedly around AD 900. The truth that this plant may happen to be connected with significant religious ceremonies may have facilitated the adoption and gave people time to accommodate the plant to their local environments in Virginia. Archaeologists who study plant remains called archaeobotanical have recently found that the first direct proof for maize are at around AD one thousand from a radiocarbon date in the Arrington site in south western Virginia, a century after the start of the Late Woodland Period. Most radiocarbon dates on maize in Virginia really fall around AD 1200.

Investigations of human skeletal remains indicate that individuals residing in the Ridge and Valley and the Piedmont areas ate more maize than those residing on the Coastal Plain. Maize agriculture mightn’t became significant until subsequent to AD 1200 or later in Virginia, but maize was a basic by the time the Europeans first started recording Virginia Indians and was an essential part of the homage paid to such leaders as Powhatan. While Indians also grew other crops, like beans, squash, tobacco, and sunflower, they extended to rely heavily on locally accessible wild plants. Wild rice, wild grapes, an edible root named tuckahoe, the roots of cattails, and different nuts are among the number of plants identified in Late Woodland sites.

Hunting was also a key component of Late Woodland lifestyles. Deer were probably the most common animal hunted, and were evaluated for their meat, skins, bone, antlers, and sinews. Deerskins were traded broadly, given as homage to chiefs, and were utilized to make buckskin clothing and also to cover houses. Deer bones and antlers were fashioned into tools, while sinew, or tendon, was used for fastenings and also to make glue. Coastal Plain groups gathered enormous quantities of shellfish, like oysters, from shallow waters. After eliminating the meat and drying it for storage, shells were piled in big piles, called shell middens, along coast waterways.

Trade in non local, occasionally exotic, goods helped late connection Forest community together, spurred competition among various groups that occasionally led to conflict, and helped chiefs like Powhatan expand their political reach. Coastal Plain groups, for instance, undoubtedly traded on event with groups in the Piedmont or further west for the difficult, top quality stones needed to make arrowheads. Marine shells were traded from the Atlantic coast in internal Virginia and beyond, to be converted to beads and necklaces. Marine shell beads have already been present in Virginia Indian graves situated west of the Blue Ridge.