プラセボ効果 | WEBマーケティング用語
ケネディは、ノーセボの反応が問題を中心としており、ノセボの反応という用語は、治療法とは対照的に、患者の内在性が優れていることを明示していると主張した。Stewart WilliamsとPoddは、反対の用語であるプラセボとノセボを利用することは逆効果であると主張している。用語を二分するときには、2つの重要な問題があります。
第1に、同じ治療が鎮痛および痛覚過敏を引き起こし得る。鎮痛薬はプラセボになり、痛覚過敏症はノンセボ薬になります。第2の問題は、ある人にとっては同じ効果が望ましく、他の人にとっては好ましくないことである。前者の場合、影響はプラセボであり、後者では、ノーセボである。プラセボの二分法の批判で、Stewart Williams&Poddはさらに2つの大きな問題について議論する。これらの科学者の作業、The Placebo Effect:Psychological Bulletinに掲載されているExpectancyとConditioning Debateの解説を参照して、詳細な議論を得る。
Here is the second in a couple of articles on the placebo effect. Nocebo may also be referred to as Placebo evil twin, or the Negative placebo impact. It is also sometimes described as other side of placebo. The nocebo effect might be defined as an adverse effect occurring after getting treatment, even when the treatment is inert. This is an important to remember that bad effects seen when taking active materials, reported as drug adverse effects, can often be at least partially attributed to a combination of results from the material’s components, and those from nocebo effects. Studies suggest that nocebo effect can contribute appreciably to an extensive variety of medical signs, adverse events in clinical studies and health care, and public health Mass psychogenic illness outbreaks.
Primary mechanisms of the nocebo effect which are frequently discussed include negative suggestions and expectations. Other mechanisms are frequently involved with the negative response. The term was introduced several years after Henry Beecher published his seminal paper on the placebo impact. Kennedy stressed that there isn’t any such thing as a Nocebo effect, there is only a Nocebo reaction. Many people use the terms interchangeably while some identify. The same could be said concerning placebo, some researchers differentiate between placebo effect and placebo response. Those distinctions won’t be discussed in this article. For the interest of our present discussion let’s hypothetically say the conditions are interchangeable.
Kennedy claimed that the nocebo response was issue centered and that the term nocebo response expressly referred to an excellent inherent in the patient as opposed to in the remedy. Stewart Williams and Podd argue that utilizing the opposite terms placebo and nocebo is counterproductive. There are two key issues when dichotomizing the terms.
First, the same treatment may produce analgesia and hyperalgesia. Analgesia by definition will be a placebo while hyperalgesia will be a nocebo. A second problem is the same effect can be desirable for one individual while unfavorable for others. At the former case, the impact will be a placebo, and in the latter, a nocebo. In their criticism of the placebo nocebo dichotomy, Stewart Williams & Podd go on to discuss two more major problems. Refer to these scientists work, The Placebo Effect: Dissolving the Expectancy Versus Conditioning Debate, published in the Psychological Bulletin, to get a detailed discussion.