
10649510 – colored database
これらは主に強力な製品中心のスタンドアローンブランドです。 Kelloggs、Coco Cola、Lays、Johnie Walkerなどは、強力な商品ブランドです。 Xeroxは当初、この種の非常に成功した強力なブランドとなり、人々は複写機をXeroxマシンと呼ぶようになりました。さらに、ブランド名の下に排他的なセットの商品ラインで構成されるラインブランドがあります。コンピュータ業界を見てみると、いくつかのタイプのラップトップとデスクトップコンピュータはすべて、特定のシリーズまたは特定のラインブランドの下にバンドルされています。デジタルおよびマルチメディアならびに漫画およびグラフィカルユーザー向けのDellのStudioシリーズと、処理のためのInspiraシリーズは、ラインブランドのベストサンプルです。
トヨタは、レンジブランドレクサスの下でいくつかのモデルと車両を持っています。傘ブランドは、単一のブランドイメージのもとで様々な商品ラインを構築するうえで非常に成功している方法の1つです。 Nivea、Sony、Virginは、最も目に見えて効果的な世界的な傘ブランドであり、強力なブランドイメージの下で開発された数多くの商品ラインナップが可能です。企業ブランドは、企業のアイデンティティを構築するための効果的なマーケティング手法として引き続き採用されています。
Every marketing management pupil would have heard the story about source of marketing, that it was originally applied to recognize and isolate a certain stock of cattle in the west. From the Wild West, marketing as a concept has exploded and changed beyond its original purpose. Branding in the current times isn’t limited to services and products alone. Actually you’ll find every kind of organization and company stream using brand as an instrument for distinction, recall and identity. Branding is today used for a great deal several functions other than only to offer services and merchandises to the consumers. Clearly whenever we think of brands, the first class which comes to our head is that of merchandise and service brands.
These are mainly stand alone brands which are strongly product centric. Kelloggs, Coco Cola, Lays, Johnie Walker etc, are powerful merchandise brands. Xerox initially became this kind of very successful and robust brand that people began calling photocopier machines as Xerox machine. Additionally, there are the Line brands consisting of an exclusive set of merchandise lines under a brand name. Have a look in the computer industry, all the several types of laptops and desktop computers are bundled under a certain series or a specific line brand. Dell’s Studio series intended for digital and multi- media as well as cartoon and graphical users and Inspira series for processing are the best samples of line brands.
L’oreal studio line of items is another good example of line brands. When experts speak about brand expansion and line extensions as well as item extensions, it becomes quite difficult to compartmentalize each class. Several experts call it a brand extension, whilst the others feel it’s a product or line extension. Eventually, the marketing professionals who’ve worked out the technique for the brand realize it the best. Range brands are the next best kind of marketing applied particularly in the retail industry. Oral B is perhaps of the finest known global brands consisting of several range of merchandises related to dental care.
Toyota has a number of models and vehicles under its Range Brand Lexus. Umbrella branding is another extremely successful ways of building various merchandise lines under single brand image that stresses a standard core value proposition across the merchandises under its brand. Nivea, Sony, Virgin are possible the most visible and effective global umbrella brands with numerous merchandise lines developed under the powerful brand image. Corporate brand continues to be adopted as an effective marketing technique by Organizations to build their Corporate identity.