
軸となる事業の"しくみ"で質の高い事業を経営者、個人事業、士業のしくみ支援。Webマーケティング CooKai。WEBの悩み相談、大歓迎。もっと集客をするには「軸となるしくみ」驚くほど価値を認める顧客が集まる成長し続ける事業のお手伝いを通じて解決します。

データベースマーケティング | WEBマーケティング用語

公開日:2017年01月06日 カテゴリー:WEBマーケティング, WEBマーケティング用語 タグ:, ,



10438449 - database concept. vintage cabinet. library card or file catalog.

セグメンテーション、顧客獲得、浸透、保持、市場インテリジェンス、結果の定量化など、少なくとも6つのDBM戦略を検討する必要があります。お客様や見込み客をさまざまなカテゴリに分類することは、DBMの第一歩です。最も基本的なセグメンテーションの程度は、タイプ、サイズ、または可能性によって、分類、コーディング、または顧客の発注および見込みを必要とする。会社のマーケティング担当者は、米国政府によって制定された標準産業分類を使用して、ほとんどの会社の種類を分類することができます。セグメンテーションの程度が高いほど、顧客や見込み客のプロファイリング、スコアリング、モデリングが必要です。プロファイリングは、異なる種類の分類の頻度を識別します。たとえば、金融サービスは、XYZ Corporationsの顧客ベースの17%を構成します。



Despite high curiosity about database marketing, many building marketers still haven’t executed DBM. One of numerous reasons for this is too little practical information. Based on your objectives, you should think about more than one DBM strategies. Below we’ll share why you need to think about database marketing and 6 database advertising strategies, including segmentation, new customer acquisition, customer penetration, customer retention, promotion intelligence, and quantifying results. Database marketing promises to deliver more efficient marketing and communications, first by improving client understanding through segmentation, and after that by using this info to communicate with clients in a targeted, even personalized way.

At least six DBM strategies needs to be thought about including segmentation, customer acquisition, penetration, retention, market intelligence and quantifying results. Segmenting customers and prospects into various categorizations is the first step in DBM. The most elementary degree of segmentation requires classifying, coding, or customer ordering and prospects by type, size, or possible. Company marketers can use Standard Industrial Classifications established by the US government to categorize most company types. A greater degree of segmentation requires profiling, scoring, or modelling of customers and prospects. Profiling identifies frequencies of distinct categorizations, for example, financial services constitute 17% of XYZ Corporations customer base.

In addition the 80\/20 rule can be illustrated utilizing percentages, for example, 80% of XYZ profits are derived from the top 20% of customers. Grading, as the name implies, ranks sections or individual customers by some predetermined standards, often sales or gross margin contribution. Mail order marketers use RFM, that’s recency, frequency and financial or transaction value, as standards for judging customer worth. Modeling employs statistical techniques like multiple regression to identify factors that correlate to high sales possible or likelihood of promotional response. Prospective clients can then be Fitted to these models to determine which prospects needs to be priorities.

Identifying and communicating with high possible prospects is a goal of most marketers. The segmentation tools described enable you to concentrate on prospects which are Heavy users or that fit predetermined standards. DBM can be used to identify new customer Gains, and to track trends in new customer activity. Lastly DBM may be utilized to direct and manage prospect communications, marketing, and sales plans. What’s your Account penetration level by client? DBM might help identify penetration by comparing the data to total client purchases. Modeling Ideal product mix by client sort will identify cross sell and up sell opportunities. Again, the segmentation step can identify opportunities. Strategies in this area have grown in importance as the high cost of new client acquisition has been well documented.


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