
軸となる事業の"しくみ"で質の高い事業を経営者、個人事業、士業のしくみ支援。Webマーケティング CooKai。WEBの悩み相談、大歓迎。もっと集客をするには「軸となるしくみ」驚くほど価値を認める顧客が集まる成長し続ける事業のお手伝いを通じて解決します。

検索クエリ | WEBマーケティング用語

公開日:2017年01月09日 カテゴリー:WEBマーケティング用語 タグ:, , , ,





それを行う最も簡単な方法は、あなたのサイトに行って何かの検索を実行することです。次のページで、URLを見てください – キーワードが表示されますか?検索キーワードがサイトのクエリパラメータ部分に表示されていることがわかっている場合は、運が良かったです。これはサイト検索を設定する最も簡単な方法です。サイト検索の設定はビューレベルなので、[管理]> [表示]> [表示設定]にあります。AdWordsの設定の下に、サイトの検索トラッキングを有効にするオプションがあります。次に、あなたのウェブサイトに行き、検索を実行することです。


Google Analytics comes with a lot of features Out-of the box, but one of the reports that you will need to configure is the site search report. If you have not used this feature yet and you’ve a search box on the site, keep reading. The site search reports provide data on what kind of content individuals are searching for on your site. Having site search data is like reading the minds of a subset of your audience. For most web sites, you can set up the site search reports fully within Google Analytics, without the need to modify anything on your site.

You’ll notice that the search site ratio is located under Behaviour in the left hand navigation and not Acquisition, where organic and paid search data is located. That is because these reports are related to internal searches only – a behaviour someone can perform on your site that returns results pages which are also on your site. Site search tracking isn’t automatic like pageview tracking because there is a broad range of site search engines that work differently and since not every site has an internal search or want to track that. How you’ll set up your site’s search analytics depends on what kind of web site you’ve and how it behaves.

The easiest way to do that is to go to your site and perform a search for something, anything. On the following page, have a look at the URL – do you see your keyword? If you have identified that your search keywords show up in the query parameter portion of the site, you are in luck. This is the simplest way to set up site search. Site search settings are view level, so they are located under Admin > View > View Settings. Beneath the AdWords settings, there’ll be an option to turn on the site search tracking. The next thing is to go to your web site and perform a search.

Look for a question mark in the address bar as well as your search term. At the examples below, the web search query is though the actual query used will vary from site to site. Once you’ve identified the query where your search keywords show up, you can then return to the site search settings, fill in the web search query and you are done. Keeping them will split views to the search results page into multiple rows in your page path report.


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