
9519407 – taking inventory
The purpose of the brand stock is to provide a current, complete profile of how each of the products and services sold with a business are marketed and branded. Profiling each service or product requires identifying all associated brand components and also the supporting marketing program. This information must be accurate, complete, and timely, and described in both visual and verbal form. As part of the brand stock, it is also strongly advised to profile brands competitors, in as much detail as possible, with regards to their branding and advertising attempts. Marketers can assess the uniformity of all of the distinct merchandise or services sharing a brand name.
Are the distinct brand components utilized in a consistent way or is there numerous distinct editions and variants – maybe for no apparent reason – depending on physical marketplace, marketplace segment, etc? Likewise, are the supporting advertising plans logical and consistent across related brands? The brand exploratory is research action conducted to perceive what customers think and feel about the brand and its own accompanying product category to recognize sources of brand equity. Several preliminary activities are helpful for the brand exploratory. It is also helpful to interview business employees to gain a comprehension of their beliefs about consumer understandings.
The variety of opinion that generally emerges from all these internal interviews serves many functions. It increases the probability that useful observations or thoughts will be generated, in addition, it points out any internal inconsistencies or misconceptions. Even though these preliminary activities might yield useful findings and suggest specific hypotheses, they’re frequently incomplete. Additional research can be required to further understand how clients shop for and use services and products and what they think of various brands. To allow a wide range of issues to be covered and also to allow some issues to be pursued in greater depth, the brand exploratory frequently employs qualitative research techniques, like word associations, projective techniques, creation, brand personification, and laddering. Many companies are now using ethnography to integrate traditional focus groups. They study customers in their every day habitats at home, at work, at play, or shopping. Based on ethnographic research, Duracell, for instance, learned that individuals had trouble removing a tab from its own hearing aid batteries.